requested to join.
侠客, since you asked, here's my 2-cents for you.
1. There are less than 50 active MCA bloggers and only a handful of them have balls of steel, how many of them do you expect to take up your offer?
2. Most MCA bloggers (if not all) are only good in "Singles" game. Fighting a war, you need a General or at least a Council to lay the strategy and lead the charge. Have you talked to high calibre bloggers like Uncle Boo and Polibug to start rallying for support. I am sure Polibug can contribute a trick or two from the MCA wise man, Chua SL.
3. Most (if not all) fulltime politicians have hidden agenda under their sleeves. Some of them are getting thirsty for OTK's blood by day. How do you intend to convince these blood suckers that supporting your Bukit Koman cause is equivalent to voting a no-confidence vote to OTK and his lame leadership team?
4. Limiting the membership to "MCA bloggers only" is like putting an unnecessary iron chain over your shoulder. If you have decided to make this an internal battle, you should open the membership to all MCA members. Why restraining your move?
5. Not sure if you have talked to the leading protesters of Bukit Koman like lengkekmun. Instead of straying the bullets, they might already have a master plan. You might want to find out how to fill the missing gap.
My suggestion? I am sure you have contacts with MCA branches all over Malaysia. If you start organizing casual dinner and explain to concerned MCA members the Bukit Koman cause you are championing within MCA, I bet you one (1) ringgit that Liow TL’s secretary will call you after 10 such dinners.
Hello, Xieke, you good idea, good move.
But, 加入的博客必须是马华博客动态目录里有的部落格. This restriction seen not good.
凌志 : 已加如了您的名了。
chchoo : thanks for spend your time with so many good suggestion.
1) Do you think we need to wait until we have 500 active blogger than only start to gather them? So let start from small and let the ball roll.
2) THat is why I setup the Facebook group which provide some detail discussion, plan, strategy, & etc.
3) I never thinking to convince those blood sucker to turn fighting with OTK, but with the pressure from blogger, public, the people will force these people to look carefully into issues & act accordingly to solve it. I'm not intention to just create a MCA group to fight the top management, I hope MCA blogger can take the lead bring up issue and use public force to make our leader act.
4) For your info, some of the blogger listed in MCA Bloggers Directory is not MCA members. It's a good suggestion to open it to all MCA members. I will do that.
5) I not talked with lengkekmun about about this because this Facebook group is not just for Bukit Koman. It for any issues that happening or going to happen. I just use Bukit Koman as an example that MCA blogger should stay together.
Going around the whole Malaysia is a good suggestion but it cost too much for me right now. I think no need after 10 dinner, may be 2 dinner he will call me up again. hahahaha
Freddie : Temporary I stick to MCA Blogger because I plan to use the power of unity of MCA Blogger to do something for the people. chchoo did suggested to let all MCA members to join in but I not sure he/she is MCA members or not as I don't have the whole membership list.
Anyway, this group will use for some internal discussion, exchange info between us & for faster info flow. Whatever action or issue that we are going to discuss openly, we will put it in our blog. So do come back our blog.
侠客, as long as you have given thoughts and explore various possibilities. Well, I wish you many success.
chchoo : Never try never know. So just try it out.
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