Sunday, August 29, 2010
鹦鹉說:「我平常看老鹰就不顺眼,虽然他能帮你打猎,但主要还是你出力。我看啊! 倒不如养几只鸡,鸡不但温驯,你打猎时,鸡还能在家生蛋繁殖,一举兩得。」猎人听了,觉得有道理,在市集就用老鹰換了五只鸡。
故事启示 :当人们遭遇问题时,总是询问与自己比较亲近的人意见。但绝大多数被询问的人,或许无意进讒言,但总以自己的心态、能力、经验,去解释別人的心态、能力、经验。
Friday, August 27, 2010
奇怪!你都知道是谁打小报告了,为什么还要[促请大家将这个“小人”揪出来]?记者问你你又不说?那我们要如果揪出来呢?? 迦玛就是迦玛,这样一搞,知名度又爆灯了。
Friday, August 20, 2010
我们听了都吃惊问为什么?他说,你们真的以为老蔡有能耐到要 Star FM 砍谁就砍谁咩?就算他要砍也不是到今天才砍啦!他会那么sohai咩。他接着说,Star 是间挂牌公司,它有几多的股东及Bursa要交代的哦!他会为了一个老蔡来影响他的股东及全体员工的利益咩。
吃完早餐上个网又看到《乱语胡言》的Let‘s Talk Business. 讲的都一样的。到底是商业决定还是政治决定呢?你自己想想吧!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
然而,事實並非如此。好多位還是逃不了三分鐘熱度的劣習。看看今天,很多所謂的領袖的部落,要不是消失無蹤,便是雜草叢生;若不是變成新聞或文告剪貼簿(sticker book),便是砲火隆隆的專向自己黨領袖轟炸和廝殺。那些嚴守網絡戰場前線的幾乎是屈指可數了。
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Some Things Are Beyond Politics.
About Us, A Disclaimer.
Mybloggercon is made up of Malaysian bloggers who truly believe in working together for a common good. We have raised funds for old folks homes, help the quake victims of Sichuan, victims of the Haiti tragedy, and we constantly work on projects to bring people together so we can all communicate better.
We respect every member’s rights to party, but we, as a group, is beyond party politics. Kopi, a friend I have known for years, used to be a DAP member, but he doesn’t call himself a “DAP blogger”, KK is now a member of PKR and actively campaigned for PKR candidate Jin Wen.
Our good friend Elizabeth Wong needs no introduction, and she too has helped us in many ways, last year, Dr Chua has generously donated money to us to help us organise our event in Kuala Lumpur. The platform is neutral, and we are an enemy of nobody, as we respected everybody’s right to a political idealism.
About Respect.
I have known the Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for many years, he may not remember me, and I may not consider him a friend, I believe we must respect his position as an elected leader, by simple majority, it is by the same principle we respect our Prime Minister.
Respect is earned, and often cherished by those who have worked hard to gain the trust and respect from his peers. I respect Vincent, a friend I have come to know since 4 years back, he is one of those few who stood by his words and kept his promises. Calling someone you know by his name is respect.
I will be the last person to use “Fat Blogger” to describe Vincent, his weight and body size does not make him a lesser person. And I caution those who throw insults at people with limitations that he or she cannot alter, because the same may be used on you. I don’t believe anyone chooses to be ugly or fat, but I believe it is by choice that people refuse to learn.
About Our Language.
Mybloggercon Awards was setup to honour and promote those who excel in their various fields using the Chinese language as the means of expression. It is our effort to preserve this beautiful language among our peers.
I am writing this in English because some people who claim to uphold the integrity of Malaysia’s largest Chinese party has failed to learn the Chinese language.
Learning is a choice made by individuals who want to become part of the fabric of the society. My friend Elizabeth Wong has worked hard to learn Mandarin (and maybe a little bit of Hokkien) because she wanted to communicate better.
I therefore challenge this individual to learn Mandarin and hopefully be able to debate with yours truly in Mandarin, one day. And I eagerly await that day, because when one stops to learn, one stops to grow.
About Enemies.
Who is our enemy? In the email shared by Vincent, the Chief Minister, who is the leader of the Penang state was named an enemy. Sometimes, I really wonder if some people are so blinded by politics or hatred that they have missed the ball totally.
Our common enemy is poverty.
Our common enemy is inequality.
Our common enemy is the lack of social justice.
Our common enemy is he who abused the power and violates the basic human rights that we all cherished.
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng cannot be our common enemy, because he is our elected leader.
Very much so, in the case of Dr Chua who should be respected as the elected leader of the MCA.
About Leadership.
Human err. No matter how perfect or imperfect the person is.
A leader leads, not scandalise.
A leader heals, not pour salt on wounds.
A leader sees beyond the gapping hole between gender, race, religion or bank accounts.
Some Things Are Beyond Politics.
Some things are beyond politics, and if we are going to rely on a leader who cannot see beyond politics to lead our way into the future, then I must say this person is not fit to lead, nor take the podium and cast the first stone at those who have looked beyond politics for the common good of the people.
from Jeremiah Foo
Thursday, August 5, 2010
2010年《大馬中文部落格祭》頒獎活動將從吉隆坡移師北上,在檳城 Wawasan Open University Theater舉行,10月2日星期六晚上,讓博客一起聚首,見證這項大馬部落格界盛事!
第四屆《大馬中文部落格祭》各獎項報名日期從2010年8月5日開始,8月31日午夜11時59分截止。相信自己,相信部落格有夢的你,還在等什么?現在就到 瞭解更多詳和報名吧!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
给Panasonic的一封信~Sam Hui
Dear Customer Support,
I was touring Japan during Chinese New Year holidays this year and happy that I bought the GH1 there to record my memories. The camera performs well till now, but both of the strap lugs had detached from the body by themselves within 3 months after the purchase. This is clearly a manufacturer defect.
I was away from Malaysia after that incident and was using the camera without the strap (very inconvenient) till I came back a few days ago. I took it to the Shah Alam service center today only to find out that I need to pay more than RM300 to fix something which is not caused by my own neglect. Even checking it will cost me RM50.
I am extremely disappointed with this outcome. It just shows that customers are not the core of the after sales service of Panasonic because the customer care representative just brushed me off saying that she can’t do anything to help me because I bought the camera in Japan. I was told that the warranty is not valid in Malaysia. I just have to pay.
I need to fix the camera anyway because I just can’t walking around with camera with an obvious defect (which does not serve well for Panasonic branding too) in my trips. The RM300++ charges for fixing two camera strap lugs just made a dent into my confidence in Panasonic. I am pretty sure that my next camera purchase will highly probably not be a Panasonic camera.
For your information I am also posting this email to the Internet as well just in case it is being brushed off.
Thank you very much for your attention.